Accord Software, Inc.

Register Interest

We are in the process of setting up mailing lists for people interested in AccordSTAR. There is no subscription charge to get on the list. The mailing lists are as follows:

stargen - how to use and get most out of AccordSTAR Generator.

starmgr - how to get your internet/distributed applications AccordSTAR Manager ready and how to use it.

starlic - how to license your applications/applets using AccordSTAR Licenser.

starjava - how to integrate AccordSTAR with your Web/Java Applets.

starflash - Accord Software, Inc. news and other items of general interest to users.

Above lists are going to be high quality and very low volume, i.e. less than three messages per day. The content will be mostly detailed answers to questions from users. The material will also be available later as FAQ and Application Notes.

Before we use your name in any FAQ or Application Notes, we will ask for your permission. These lists will not be made available to any external entity for any purpose.

To subscribe to a group send e-mail to with the following in the body of the message.

	subscribe list-name
To unsubscribe replace subscribe with unsubscribe. If you need information urgently, please contact us.
[P-999] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.